Friday 24 February 2017

John Frieda Core Restore

John Frieda Core Restore Luxurious Volume Shampoo:

After trying this shampoo, I found my fine/straight hair, did indeed have more volume than it did before and I could still feel that volume between washes.  My only issues, I had were I felt that this shampoo (along with the conditioner & volumizer) did weigh my hair down a lot.  It also left me with quite a few tangles.  Another thing was with my shampoos & conditioners, I want my hair to smell clean & fresh and have that smell last for at least awhile.  I might just be pickey, but I didn't get a lot of scent with this.  Yes, there is a bit of a citrus scent, when you smell it in the bottle but after washing your hair, I barely got anything.  If your looking to achieve a bit more volume, I would give this a go but to me it's a pass because of the few draw backs.

John Frieda Core Restore Luxurious Volume Conditioner:

My very first thought when I applied this conditioner was "oh, no" this feels like a gel.  Gels leave my hair feeling weighted down and in tangles and that exactly, how this conditioner left my hair.  I didn't like it at all unfortunately.  Also left my hair in tangles.  Not a major disaster or anything but enough for me to have another negative about this conditioner.  Overall with being used with the Luxurious Volume Core Restore Shampoo & Advanced Protein Volumizer, I did receive a bit more volume in my fine straight hair (and it last between washes) but nothing spectacular.  If you want to try and receive a bit more volume, then yes give this a go (don't expect major miracles) but your hair may feel very heavy after using this conditioner.

John Frieda Core Restore Luxurious Volume Volumizer:

When using this product with the Core Restore Luxurious Shampoo & Conditioner, I did notice that my hair had a bit more volume than before.  But here's the thing.  I tried just using the shampoo & conditioner and not this volumizer, and I got the same results. So with that being said, not 100% sold on needing this product to achieve the overall volumizing results.  I think it just added to the heavy weightless I felt while using these Core Restore products.  One positive is that the bottle has a pump so to me that's a plus. 

For More Info.

Prices at local dept. store:

Shampoo - $9.97
Conditioner - $9.97
Volumizer - $9.97

I received these products for free through the Glam Sense, program in exchange for my review.
Thanks to Glam Sense, TopBox, & John Frieda.

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