Monday 27 February 2017

Degree UltaClear Black + White Dry Spray

"Degree® UltraClear Black + White™ is a dry spray antiperspirant specially designed to help keep your clothes looking new. Anti white marks on black clothes and anti yellow stains on white clothes. Scented with a modern floral fragrance of rose, lily, and soft fruitiness."

My Quick Thoughts:

I never tried a spray deodorant before but I was always curious. I have to say that this didn't really convince me to switch over from a stick deodorant. The only thing I felt it had going for it was that it didn't leave any marks (white) on my clothing. 

It didn't keep me dry thought out the day. So sadly, I can't recommend this product. Does spray on nicely (cold), dries quickly, and has an ok scent when applying but if it's not going to keep me dry. It's going to be a pass. 

I did receive this product for free through the Glam Sense program. 
Thank you.

Local Dept. Store = $4.97

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Disclaimer:  These posts are my own honest opinion & I was not paid by anyone to provide them. Occasionally, I do receive free samples and I am asked to make a review, in exchange.  If this is the case, I will state.
Thank you.

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