May 2015 TopBox Review
1. Herb Day 365 Cleansing Foam Aloe: I have to say I did like this, I do have a downside (of course I do, I always do) but for the most part yes, like I said I did like it. I'm not a big face cleanser kind of person, but I have tried them in the past and too me this was like the rest. It goes on your wet face and you scrub it in. Now I was expecting it to have a more foamy action to happen. I mean if your going to have foam in your title... Be foam. This nope. It did leave my face feeling nice and clean but very dry feeling afterwards (like most cleansers do anyways) so having the Seaweeds Moisturizing Pack to put on afterwards defiantly helped. It smells nice. I got an aloe & cucumber smell from it. My one downfall is that this did nothing for my breakouts on my chin. I actually got more and they don't seem to be clearing up anytime soon. Now is this causing it? Probably not all 100%, but doesn't seem to be helping to get rid of them either. Would I a go out and buy this? If I didn't have breakouts then yeah I would probably get this again since it's only $6. But I can see myself going for a different cleanser (if I were to buy a cleanser) that would be made to help in breakouts first over this.
Received a descent sized sample (100ml).
Price:170ml $6
2. Seaweeds Moisturizing Pack: I used this after using the above Herb Day Cleansing Foam. This defiantly is needed after using the cleanser. The cleanser leaves your face feeling so dry. But with this you put it on and after a few minutes your face still feels like you just put lotion/water on your face. Not in a bad way in which you feel like you have water dripping down your face. Did I really notice a difference in the appearance of my face after using this and the above cleanser. Yes. If you don't take in to consideration my chin. From my lips up :) I have to say my face looked.... ahh don't know how to really describe it.. Brighter, clearer, smoother, fresher.. Was it like some miracle moisturizer. No, but I did see gradual improvements. As for the smell, I was a little worried over the Seaweed bit but it actually smells like lavender with a citrus twist. Anything with lavender and I'm good :) Would I buy this? Yes & no. Yes, because it did seem to improve the look of my face but no, just for the fact I can't see myself going out and buying "fancy/special face lotion" when regular lotion suits me just fine. If I do happen to come across it when I'm running low on my supply and I remember how good it seemed to be, then I'm back to yes.
Received smaller version/travel sized sample (30ml).
Price: 110ml $12 @
P.S. TheFaceShop does look promising though. Think BodyShop but well... duh, for your face :p Shipping throughout Canada.
I also received a Special $5 off discount for TheFaceShop but it's only valid in store. No stores close to where I live unfortunately. Locations in: BC, Alberta, Ontario, & Quebec.
3. D:FI Re-shapable Spray: This one is gonna be quick. Wasn't a huge fan of this. For hair spray yes, it held my hair in place but at the end of the day didn't like the feeling it left in my hair. Also if this spray was designed to be used by both men & women, I would have to say it's more towards men (the smell). That was the major down fall for me. To me it smelled like a men's body spray. All day at work, I would be catching wifts of it and be thinking just that. I smell like I'm wearing men's body spray. Tried it once for a day and that's it. Did I bother trying to do fancy re-shaping styles with my hair? LOL. No. But even if I did and it worked, I wouldn't be buying this (smell & price). Maybe for my husband... Hmmm. Nope. That won't be happening either. But always happy to try new things. Can't win them all :)
Received small trial sized sample (9ml). Price: 150ml $27.
4. Medusa's Makeup Eyeshadow - Midnight Oil: First I have to say I love this color. In general. Bluey purple with little bit of sparkle (I can do without the sparkles but bluey purple ahhh ). But for an eyeshadow it's too dark for me. So I probably will end up giving this away. I did try it in hopes I could somehow make it look presentable but I still came across as looking as.. Mimi from The Drew Carey Show. Yikes! What I did find was that 1. it went on and stayed on better with a base/primer underneath. 2. A lot fell down/off onto your face when applying and 3. It wouldn't blend very well. If I were to actually wear this I would have it blend into another color at least but this didn't play nice with my other eyeshadows. So with that said I will have to give this eyeshadow a pass. But thumbs up for being bluey purple (lol), true to color, and cruelty free :)
June 2015 TopBox Reveal
#TopBox |
1. Self Tan Bronzing Face Lotion from St. Tropez:
"Apply in light sweeping motions. Blend in carefully up to your hairline, wipe excess from eyebrows and any hair with a tissue. Exfoliate regularly. Wash hands after use."
Received 5ml sample. Retail $38 for 50ml.
Available at Shoppers Drug Mart, Murale,, Hudson's Bay and London Drugs.
Also received a coupon to be used at Shoppers Drug Mart.
Receive 5000 Shoppers Optimum Bonus Points w/ St. Tropez purchase of $65 or more.
First Impression: I probably won't be trying this :(
2. China Glaze Nail Lacquer w/hardeners - 726 Laced Up:
"These unique lacquers contain China Clay as a nail hardener, the same material that gives porcelain its shiny finish.
Received full size 14ml. Retail $10.
Available at professional nail salons.
(Also Sally's Beauty, Wal-mart & Drug Stores I think)
First Impression: Muah.. Another nail polish. No, another Pink nail polish.
3. Aloe Face Mask from Fruits & Passion
"This refreshing Face Mask contains an essence specially formulated to improve the appearance of your skin. Your skin is moisturized, softened and more luminous."
Received Single-Use mask. Retail $2.50 each.
Fruits & Passion
Also received a coupon from Fruits & Passion to be used either in store or online. From June 15 to July 31, 2015 Free Eye, Nose, Lip or Anti-Imperfection Targeted Solution.
First Impression: Kind of excited to have received this. Different.
4. Clinical KP Treatment Cloths from Paula's Choice:
"Wipe your KP woes away. And banish "bacne", too. These easy-to-use wipes improve the appearance of those little red bumps (like Keratosis Pilaris) and reveal smooth, even skin anywhere on the body"
Received 10 treatment cloths. Retail 60 treatment cloths $27.20.
First Impression: Different.
Maybe they will get rid of little red bump on my leg :p
5. Smooth Operator Nail File from Deborah Lippmann (coupon):
This is actually an "Exclusive TopBox Member Offer" to receive a
complimentary nail file from any Holt Renfrew locations.
None near me so won't be using.
June 15th - July 15th
$15 value
Holt Renfrew
Thanks all for reading.
More reviews & reveals to come.
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*For the record I wasn't paid by anyone to write the above. I write this for the fun of it.